Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Today ....

.... I went skating on natural ice with my friend Ina. Finally the ice of our local Ice club, called AOL-Gloep (= old decoy), was thick enough! The ice was great, very smooth. I don't have great skates but it was fun to make a couple of rounds on normal skates and then try out my old figure skates. I think they need to be sharpened because I couldn't make the figures I normally can make. We took a warm cocoa inside the cantine and when our hands and feet were warmed up again we made some more rounds.

After that Ina wanted to go and watch the young and older people of our village shoot the carbid cans just outside the village. This is a tradition that exists for a very long time over here and in some other regions of our country. You need an old iron milk can (or is it tin?), a piece of carbid, some water and fire. You put the carbid in the milk can with some water. Then you have to close the can with the lid that has to be made a bit wider so that you need to use a hammer to slam it in the can. After that you warm the back of the can with fire. The lid will explode off the milk can and that makes a very loud bang.

I never went to see the carbid shooting because Zander doesn't like hard noises, but because he's still with his dad I could go and watch this year. It's not really my thing, but it was fun! I even went home to get my camera and went back on my own to take some photos.
As you can see there's a lot of fog. I took these photos around 5 p.m. It was like that all day and it's even getting worse. Like last year we won't be able to see much of the firework at midnight!!
On the last photo you can see the lid of the can flying in the air.

I won't be alone on New Years Eve after all!!! When Ina found out I would be alone this evening she invited me over to her place.

1 comment:

M@risk@ said...

Heel veel geluk en liefde in het komende jaar. Je foto's zijn prachtig net als die in je vorige post. Heerlijk om weer even op de ijzers te staan. Hier hebben ze ook volop geschaatst.