Tuesday, September 04, 2007


This morning I had an appointment with my dentist to get my upper teeth done. The ones in the front! When I was a kid of maybe 6 years old my dad abruptly had to stop with the rental car he and I had just picked up from a garage. Because it was just a short ride he allowed me to sit in the front. Not such a good idea, because at that time (1963) there weren't any seat-belts yet, so I fell with my mouth on the dashboard and a little piece of my front tooth broke off. Because it was just a little piece I didn't bother to get it fixed.
But lately, ever since I did Corinne's online workshop Finding You, I didn't feel comfortable with my front teeth anymore.

I love what my dentist did with my teeth. He not only fixed the broken tooth but he also changed the old fillings between my front teeth.
Can you see the difference?


Mika said...

Yeh I can see the difference looks great. Mika

Mirjam said...

Yep can see, and it looks GOOD!!