What's your mermaid name? Your Result: Sea Flower You are the most romantic. You get many crushes at once and your dream is to find true love. To other mermaids you may seem a bit nosey. You do like to know what other people think about true love and often get in the way of things. | |
Coral | |
Aqua Marine | |
Oceana (oh-shee-ana) | |
Angel Fish | |
Pearl | |
What's your mermaid name? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Your mermaid species is: Blue Atlantic Catcher
Her Latin name is: Caeruleus Atlantis
The tail is a deep blue shimmering colour that takes on a jewel-like sparkle when caught in sunlight. Hair is dark and skin is usually a chocolate brown though some variation has been seen.
A rare subspecies due to the encroachment of man, now found only in selected parts of the Atlantic.
You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.
Don't look for Iris (that's her name - she has a nice blog too - http://doornroos.blogspot.com) because I HAVE THE MISSING PAGES!!! Already e-mailed you, Anniek. Send me your adress, and the pages will be coming your way asap!
Wat een ontzettend leuke mini!!
Die glimmermist is zo apart.
Volgens mij zijn er na SAL verschillende scrappers verslaafd aan glimmermist ;)
Was leuk je te ontmoeten.
LOVELY!!! This is so nice! Love it. I'm so impressed with how fast you are... didn't you say you were a slowscrapper??
LOVE Jenny
Oh, so beautiful! It´s so fun to see other´s interpretations of the same album! I think this one was one of the funniest projects we did, I really liked Dina´s style and way of working! Lots of love!
Muito bonito teu trabalho. Também
gosto de reciclar meu material e usar papel reciclado para fazer meus trabalhos.... I don't speak english
very well but I know that your Los
are very beautiful.Congratulacions
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