Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas tree, tradition broken and cards

Finally feeling better again!

Decorated our small fake X-mas tree last Saturday with mostly felt decorations and some candy canes and chocolate garlands (?) with red sprinkles on top. Also put the felt X-mas figures under the tree. I made these myself when Zander was maybe 2 or 3 years old. It was kind of a tradition to wrap the figures in paper and to let Zander unpack one figure every day. Always in the same order and in a way that followed the telling of the X-mas story. And of course we waited to lay little baby Jesus in the crib on Christmas eve. Untill then he is waiting in the arms of the Angel.
But this year, Zander wasn't interested in unpacking the figures. He's almost 14 and not a kid anymore, so of course it is very stupid to do something like unpacking X-mas figures!
Oh well, it was a nice tradition for as long as it lasted. I suppose we have to look for other traditions now!

I also made some X-mas cards last Sunday and Monday. I know, a bit late minute but I just wasn't inspired at all. The different figures on the cards are made of wood and I bought them at Xenos.


  1. Gelukkig ben je weer opgeknapt. Je kaarten zien er prachtig uit, BG papier doet het altijd goed. Jammer dat je traditie opgehouden is maar hier komt vast wel weer iets nieuws voor terug. Ik wens je hele gezellige feestdagen.

  2. fijn dat je je alweer wat beter voelt en meid wat een geweldige vilten kerststal heb jij gemaakt ben er helemaal weg van! ik zit nog steeds te wachten op mijn kerstkaarten pakket van creatingkeepsakes dus heb nog niks gedaan, maar zul je zien dat het pakket na de kerst aankomt,zucht!


  3. Fijn dat je weer beter bent. Je kerstboom ziet er schattig uit. Je kaarten zijn superleuk.

  4. Love your cards...and boy's of that age are making new traditions so don't worry. Mika (www,
